
FORUM VI - Transform Nation Agenda

Description: In Progress...
        Author: Research Commission

FORUM VI (WORK in progress)

Transform Nation Agenda


 1. The Great Commission and the Creation Mandate (Leong Tien Fock) pdf file (ed2:12/11/08)

2. Personal Transformation (Khoo Boo Wah) pdf file

3. Shalom & Authentic Discipleship (Lim Yeu Chuen)

4. "Family" (Lee Wee Min)

5. Is your church an agent of transformation? (P. Vijayan) pdf file (ed2:18/11/08)

6.Transforming Neighbourhoods: Grounding the Great Commission on the Greatest Commandment (Kon Onn Sein) pdf file

7.Economic Sufficiency and Justice (Ho Sui-Jade) pdf file

8. Education of Children in Malaysia: Some Issues and Challenges relating to Mission Schools (Chan Geok Oon & Lim Boon Hock) pdf file

9.Youth (Goh Chee Leong) pdf file

10. The Marketplace (Cheong Seng Gee) pdf file

11. Governance (K. J. John)

12. Global (Steven Wong)


Disclaimer: The views of the authors whose works are posted may not reflect the offcial view of NECF Malaysia. Some papers are primarily authors' personal reflection on the subject matters.





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