Calendar of Events

Event Title: The Woman of Proverbs 31 in the 21st Century
12-Nov-2005 to 12-Nov-2005 Past Event
Venue: Tropicana Golf & Country Club
Secretariat: Necf Malaysia
Organizer: Necf Malaysia

"For women who want it all." We have all seen this slick advertising tagline. Ironically, women today, whether they want it or not, are expected to have it all.

The challenges facing contemporary Christian women are simply mind boggling. They are expected to be a good wife and mother, build a successful career, and be active in church ministry. Even the traditional male roles are opening up to them. How do Christian women maximize their potential in the 21st century as women? How do they cope with the pressures of a demanding lifestyle?

"The Woman of Proverbs 31 in the 21st Century" portrays the resourceful woman who takes on her world with boldness and confidence.

We invite you to come and learn from 2 outstanding women what the Lord has done through them and what He can do through you too.

<click here to find out more>
