Prayer Alert (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Pastors Prayer Shield Letter To Churches

Date: 1st October, 2010

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


NECF is re-launching the Pastors Prayer Shield initiative. We cannot stress enough the importance of praying and interceding for our pastors and leaders that are under shepherds of the local Church. The notion that pastors and leaders need prayer may sound strange to some people since they are often the ones called on to pray and not be prayed for. This is where we have erred and deviated from Biblical guidance. Throughout the Bible, the apostles, prophets, kings and leaders appealed to the people, "Please pray for me". The work of ministry was too great for them to bear alone. Pastors and leaders have greater responsibility and accountability. They are also subjected to attacks and temptations. We need to stand united to pray for our beloved pastors and leaders who have served us and the Lord so faithfully through thick and thin.

Therefore we would like to request all NECF member Churches to set aside 31st. October as a Special Prayer Day for all Pastors and Leaders in the ministry. Please pray that they...

  1. Possess and maintain a close and intimate walk with the Lord;
  2. Receive from the Lord His anointing, wisdom and discernment to lead the Church to fulfill His plans and purposes;
  3. Thank the Lord for all their physical, financial and family needs met; and
  4. Acknowledge God's divine protection over them and their families.

Let us join our hearts together and remember our Pastors and Leaders in prayer as they continue to labor and lead the Church for His glory. God bless you.

Serving Him,
Samuel Ang

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