Prayer Alert (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Prayer Alert - March 2010

Description: In this earth-shaking season, we need desperate prayers to prevail in our church. Let us join our hearts with millions who are seeking God in quiet reflection to align our lives, families, church and nation with God. At the same time, let us remember the millions who are affected by the major earthquakes in Chile and Haiti.


Millions are affected by the strongest earthquake ever recorded. Pray for:-

  • Swift actions to send aids to all affected areas
  • Wisdom for the Government to handle the catastrophe efficiently
  • Police & arm forces to take control of affected areas to bring order and to assist rescue work
  • Release of resources, rescue workers, volunteers, doctors, nurses to help affected victims
  • Many who are trapped under the rubbles will be rescued
  • God's grace and mercy for the nation that through this shaking, multitudes will turn their hearts to God

Continue to uphold Haiti in their rebuilding and restoration process that many will find hope in Him.

Prayer Alert - March 2010

"There is no power like that of prevailing prayer-of Abraham pleading for Sodom, Jacob wrestling in the stillness of night, Hannah intoxicated with sorrow, David heartbroken with remorse and grief, Jesus in sweats of blood. Add to this list from the records of the church your personal observation and experience, and always there is the cost for passion unto blood. Such prayer PREVAILS! It turns ordinary mortals into men of power. It brings power. It brings fire. It brings rain. It brings life. It brings GOD!" Samuel Chadwick

In this earth-shaking season, we need desperate prayers to prevail in our church. Let us join our hearts with millions who are seeking God in quiet reflection to align our lives, families, church and nation with God. At the same time, let us remember the millions who are affected by the major earthquakes in Chile and Haiti.

Pray for REVIVAL of the Church:

  • Repentance and spiritual awakening to come upon the Body of Christ to turn from our wicked ways where we have transgressed and dishonored Him
  • Rekindling of our first love to our Lord Jesus Christ
  • Renewal upon the Body of Christ. Ask the Lord to grant us an insatiable thirst and yearning for His presence and hunger for His Word
  • Revitalize His church with Kingdom vision and purpose Releasing of spiritual gifts to empower the body of believers for the work of ministry to glorify Him


Pray for our Government: With the on-going internal & external squabbling within the political parties and with the overwhelmingly negative news and publicity about the state governments, let us continue to heed 1 Tim 2:1 and pray for everyone, for kings and those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

  • Pray for our King, the Sultans, PM and the Cabinet.
  • Both State and Federal governments: wisdom, integrity and sincere concern for the rakyat. Exposure and eradication of corruption among those in authority. Good stewardship of state funds, respect and uphold religious freedom.
  • PM: pray for wisdom, discernment and steadfastness in justice and doing what is right. Pray that he will be surrounded by godly counsel and for grace and strength.


Pray for Christian Politicians:

  • To have an intimate relationship with the Lord and to distinguish themselves above reproach. Favor with God and men and to make a difference in the political arena.
  • To stand firm on godly principles without fear of man or influence.
  • To be courageous, to stand for justice and to speak the truth. 

NECF: Nation Building Team will be sharing at various Pastors' Fellowships in the Klang Valley

  • United vision for transformation and nation building
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to anoint our hearts & minds with understanding to make know His strategies & effectively implementing them


Prayer Cell Vision:

  • Birthing of Prayer Cells in neighbourhoods, homes, schools, colleges, offices etc.
  • Local Church Prayer Meetings to be strengthened, grow and multiply. Members will see the importance of corporate prayer



Tamil Pastors & Leaders Conference: 16-17 Mar 2010

Eagles Leadership Seminar: 26-27 Mar 2010

  • Anointing upon the Speakers to deliver His Word in season to empower leaders
  • Pastors & Leaders to receive fresh encounter with the Lord. Rekindling of hope, faith and revitalize kingdom vision
  • Challenged and empowered to be men & women after His own heart
  • Unity and strong networking among leaders


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