Press Statements & Articles


Description: 28 DECEMBER 2021

Dear Pastors/Elders/Church Leaders,

Thank you for your prayers and support.

As we come to the close of year 2021, we want to thank you for your faithful and generous support for the ministry of NECF.

2021 has indeed been a challenging year and we thank you for your unwavering partnership and friendship.

As the covid-19 pandemic entered its second year, we saw the churches doing their best to help those affected by the covid-19. We witnessed the churches struggling and triumphing in doing church online and shepherding the flock with all the restrictions of the movement control order and restricted movement control order.

But before the close of the year, we have yet another crisis - the worst flood to hit this country in 50 years. The destruction of property and possessions, the loss of lives and ensuing devastation grieved the Church.

We are proud to note that in these double-crisis, many churches rose to the occasion to set up quarantine centres and relief operations centres. It’s indeed heartening to see the “common people” who rose up to care for one another - navigating restricted zones to make deliveries, recruiting teams to help in the clean-up in the aftermath of the floods, providing blankets, collecting clothes, distributing food and hot meals.

We see the love of Christ shining through the Church to the community. Indeed, the message of hope can be seen in this Christmas season. We applaud our front-liners and the many unsung heroes.

As for the coming year 2022, there will be many fresh challenges and opportunities for NECF and the evangelical Church. In May 2022, NECF will celebrate our 40th Anniversary at our Bi-General Meeting. We trust the Lord will continue to favour us and use NECF to bless this nation even more. Our mission statement, “transforming the nation, through the local church” remains unchanged. The Church must continue to make disciples and prepare ourselves for His soon coming.

We cherish your prayers in upholding the evangelical work for this nation.

Once again, a big thank you for your partnership and on behalf of both the NECF Council and Staff, we wish you, and your family together with your church, a Blessed Christmas and a Joyous New Year.

God Bless you.

Pastor Sam Ang

PS: In the mid-year of 2021, we introduced the e-copy of our NECF Berita as we moved into the digital platform. For your convenient reading, please find attached the four issues for 2021.

BERITA 1/2021

BERITA 2/2021

BERITA 3/2021

BERITA 4/2021

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