Press Statements & Articles

[NECF] Selangor COVID-19 Medium-Term Strategy for: Non-Muslim Places of Worship

Dear Pastors, Elders, and Church Leaders

The Selangor State Government has issued the latest Selangor COVID-19 Medium-Term Strategy for Non-Muslim Places of Worship Guideline dated June 26, 2020 for your attention. The highlights are as follows:

  1. Children age 12 and below are ALLOWED:
    • For religious ceremonies or gatherings where the children will always be together with and under the supervision of their parents/guardians AND is able to comply with social distancing;
    • For religious classes or childcare – see section on Religious Classes,  Childcare, Weddings, and Funerals.
  2. Adults age 70 and above

Please refer to page 5 which has now been amended where it is given to understand that those age 70 and above are discouraged but allowed to attend places of worship in the Green Zone only.

Herewith is attached the related HESI Guideline for your kind attention. NECF will continue to update you from time to time.
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Yours sincerely in Christ
Pastor Sam Ang

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