Malaysia MyHome

A call to Churches & Christians to EMBRACE, LOVE & BLESS this Nation with God's presence & power

Malaysia MyHome is a call to see prayer and action working together! This new campaign is a call to churches and Christians to express God’s love and care to their communities in tangible ways.

Just what do you do under Malaysia MyHome?

  • Firstly, start where you are by adopting your street, area or office building premise.
  • Form a group with other Christians and go on a prayer walk, praying for God’s blessings upon your place and the people there.
  • Then, get to know the people around you on that street or in your building.
  • Find out their needs and extend help to those who need it.
  • Journal your group’s progress and share updates with others.

Start looking for friends to do this with – this is a great opportunity to love our community, bring healing, exercise a prophetic act, release Jubilee and build God’s Kingdom on earth!


Malaysia MyHome Resources


Malaysia MyHome video on YouTube