YouthNet Organisational Structure & Committee (2008-2010)

YouthNet Organisational Structure & Committee (2008-2010)

The YouthNet is a loose network sponsored by the NECF Malaysia for the above-mentioned purpose in order to further and strengthen the youth ministry in our country. As such, it transcends denominational and organisational boundaries for the glory of God.

The committee consists of 12 members, 8 of which must be members of NECF Malaysia. Membership is renewable every 2 years and expertise can be recruited for project basis.


Name Organisation/Churches Representing
1. Lee Heng Kee Malaysia Campus Crusade for Christ Campus Youth
2. Joshua Liong Focus on the Family Family
3. Daniel Tan SIB KL Church (Central)
4. Gwen Choo Glad Tidings PJ Church (Central)
5. Lim Jit Pang Agape Presbyterian Church (Southern)
6. Vivien Chong Jubilee Initiative Malaysia Chinese Commission
7. Larry Lee NECF Malaysia NECF Malaysia


2 more members to be co-opted to represent the parachurch ministries.

2 more members to be co-opted to represent the Language Rep (Chinese).

1 more member to be co-opted to represent the Local Church (northern and central region).

Herbert has been proposed to be an advisor to the commission.